
Freeze Away Stubborn Fat with CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting is the world's #1 non-invasive fat-reduction procedure. At Omni MedSpa, we provide you with certified CoolSculpting professional technicians.

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved easy way to contour your body with no surgery or downtime. With more than 3.5 million CoolSculpting treatments performed worldwide, people everywhere are getting a better view of themselves, thanks to the one-of-a-kind procedure.

Frequently asked questions

It's not weight loss. It is fat loss. Weight loss makes fat cells smaller but does not make them go away. The number of fat cells in our bodies typically becomes a fixed number sometime during our youth. Losing or gaining weight generally does not increase or decrease your number of fat cells. Instead, it changes the size of these fat cells.

In comparison, CoolSculpting is a fat-freezing procedure that reduces the number of fat cells in treated areas by an average of 20% to 25%.

These treated fat cells are naturally processed and eliminated, so they won’t migrate to another area of your body. And, unlike what happens with other procedures, there’s no change to fat cells in untreated areas. With CoolSculpting®, you can pinpoint exact spots where you want to reduce fat. The treatment is FDA-cleared in 9 different areas from double chins to back fat.

  • Under the chin and jawline
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen and flank
  • Back or bra fat
  • Buttocks
  • Upper arms

When you arrive for your treatment, your technician will apply a clear gel pad to the treatment area. This creates a barrier between the cooling panel applicator and your skin. The applicator will then be placed on the area. There will be a slight sucking sensation as it adheres to your body, followed by a cooling effect. During the procedure, you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, mild pinching, intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, or cramping at the treatment site. These sensations subside as the area numbs.

During the treatment you are free to read, relax, or use your phone. Once the applicator is detached, your technician will briefly massage the area to break up the treated fat cells and enhance fat reduction. Most patients experience little to no downtime after treatment.

Everyone's body is different. Your certified CoolSculpting technician will work with you to create the best treatment plan for your individual needs. It may take as little as one office visit to achieve your goals. For some people, a treatment plan may include multiple sessions. For example, you may want freeze away fat from your inner thighs—and also get rid of that muffin top. This could take more than one office visit to achieve your desired results. With different applicators to choose from, your technician will provide a clinical recommendation of which areas should be treated and how many treatments you will need to achieve a more sculpted body.

Your fat cells will freeze with the cold temperature our applicators reach. Once this happens, your body will naturally eliminate the dead fat cells in 1-3 months or more.

The cost for a CoolSculpting treatment depends on the areas of the body you are mainly concerned with, the amount of treatment necessary, and your desired goal. The cost is usually between $2000-$4000 for a customized treatment based on the number of areas.

Since Omni Medspa technicians have performed CoolSculpting for years, we are very skilled in what we do. We offer great seasonal promotions and special package deals, so keep an eye out! Our pricing is generally hundreds less than both the national and state average, for both the large and small CoolSculpting applicators – without giving up the quality and experience that our certified CoolSculpting Estheticians provide.

To find out if you are a fit for the CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure, contact Omni Medspa to make your complimentary consultation.

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